Whether your Check Engine light just came on, or you’re due for inspection soon—we’ll get you back up and running as quickly as possible.
Our skilled mechanics expertly handle any repair or maintenance issues on all domestic and foreign vehicles.
Below is a list of our standard services:
Our shop is conveniently located on the corner of 113 and Township Line Road in Phoenixville, PA.
So stop by or give us a call to schedule an appointment!
What is 30/60/90 maintenance? It’s a general rule-of-thumb to take your car to your trusted mechanic for a general evaluation and maintenance tune-up at 30,000 miles, 60,000 miles, and 90,000 miles. Doing these regular check-ups will help make sure your vehicle stays running at top shape, and can often catch (and help prevent) any maintenance issues before they become big—and costly—problems. But just know, while 30/60/90 is the general rule, every vehicle’s mileage guidelines may differ slightly. Some vehicles may not need their first major maintenance until 50,00 miles, while others might need it sooner at 25,00 miles. The bottom line is that it’s important to have a mechanic whom you trust to be honest about your vehicle’s preventative maintenance needs.
Do you notice your car is not running or sounding quite right, but you’re not sure what it is and don’t know how to explain it? Often times, people put off taking their car to the shop because they aren’t sure how to describe what they’re feeling or hearing when they drive. This is often an opportunity to prevent small problems from ending up to be larger issues. Don’t ever hesitate to stop by our shop or call and tell us what you’re hearing or feeling when you drive.
Ongoing maintenance needs, like oil changes, inspections and emissions can sometimes sneak up on you. We get it—life is crazy, kids have activities, work gets busy, and things slip off the to-do list. But if you set a regular reminder (say, every 3-4 months) to check your mileage, it will help you stay on top of any needed oil changes. And for your annual inspection and emission checks, set an annual calendar reminder a month before it’s due. That will help give you plenty of time to schedule your appointment so you can avoid any fees/tickets you might incur if you accidentally let it slip past the due date.